God built these bodies to self heal, self regulate and self adjust. The body can´t accomplish this itself if it has interference; it needs assistance because the healer is inside. As a Chiropractor, I assist the body in restoring lost function to areas in need so that the body can begin to function at a higher natural quality.
Services Offered:
Certification in Applied Kinesiology- AK- a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing alongside other standard methods of diagnosis. Muscles lacking sufficient neurological stimulation are identified and an attempt is then made to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly.
Total Body Modification Technique
Nutrition Response Testing
Instrument Adjusting/Activator Technique
Standard Process Whole Food Supplements
Certified in Kinesio Taping
Certified Cranial Adjusting Turner Style: C.A.T.S
Certified in Applied Clinical Nutrition (A.C.N.)
Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (C.E.C.P.)
Certified Body Code Practitioner (C.B.C.P.)
Certified Belief Code Practitioner
Young Living Essential Oils
Ion Foot Baths offered in the office
How Chiropractic Works...
Chiropractic has been helping people of all ages with a variety of health issues for over a century without the use of drugs or surgery. Chiropractors get proven results with these specific health conditions by using the best available evidence from research, the preferences of the patient and the expertise and personal experience of the individual chiropractor.
Schedule an Appointment today!
Wellness and Nutrition
These are areas we focus on with each patient that comes into out office!
Eat Organic
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